How to Make your Diaper Bag More Efficient
Jun 22, 2023

First time parents have a tendency to overthink every single thing baby related. Diaper bags don’t need that much thought. Keep it light and functional. Much like packing a suitcase, there is such a thing as over packing your diaper bag. Truthfully diaper bags don’t need to rival Mary Poppins’!
There’s no need to pack snack buffets, don’t stuff it full of clothes for every weather situation, or carry those dreaded bulky toys that turn your diaper bag into a toy store. Opting to purchase diaper bag pouches to keep everything neat and organized is extremely helpful (We like these clear ones from Amazon). A simple and easy hack for not buying pouches is to use different size gallon bags. Ideally there should be no more than four pouches, which should include:
- One complete outfit, a pair of socks, and sleeping pjs
- Diapers (quantity will be age dependent, we like 4-5), wipes, and diaper cream
- Snack bag that offers a maximum of three snacks - two for you baby, and one for you! We love a pre-blended amma360 Postpartum Protein+ shake for on the go
- A baby catchall bag that changes according to baby’s needs. This may include: Medications, sunscreen, bib, etc.
And don’t forget some sort of toy to distract! Puffy stickers, magic no-mess marker activity books, or magnetic playsets are treat for on-the-go.
Having an efficiently organized diaper bag will not only keep you neat and organized, but it’ll bring some harmony into whatever space you’re going to.
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